Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Launch of Volume 2, Issue 1 of Insight

Insight is the economics magazine produced by our students and these photos show the launch of the latest issue.

You can read the magazine online at: www.edeconsoc.co.uk

This issue is themed 'unions', covering Greece and the eurozone, the aftermath of the London riots and the modern family.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Staff/Senior Honours Students Christmas meal

We had a great evening out yesterday with staff and Senior Honours students. We started off in Khushis restaurant - a huge banquet with more than 50 students and staff. The food was wonderful and the conversations were animated and amusing - to say nothing of the sharing of gossip!

After that, many of us went to the Pear Tree and continued the animated conversations.

After that, some of the group went clubbing - no photos of that, sorry!

It was a great evening!